UNITED: Kick off in Potsdam, Germany
Did you know that XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences and Luxembourg Creative Lab have joined their efforts to develop a training program which aims to create an inclusive classroom and workplace as part of the project “United – Inclusion and Diversity of Learners with Diverse Backgrounds”, Erasmus+ co-funded project 2022-2-DE02-KA210-VET-000092335.
So, what has been happening?
During our first project meeting which took place at the modern campus in Potsdam, we met in person and laid the foundations of the whole project.
The XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences and Luxembourg Creative Lab discussed all details related to UNITED goals – short- and long-term, priorities and work flow.
We chose best practices for project management and quality assurance, which will guide us in order to support inclusion and diversity across our classroom and workplaces!
Stay tuned!
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