In addition to its impactful activities within Luxembourg, Luxembourg Creative Lab has been actively involved in various EU projects and initiatives to bring EU values to its learners and support the broader EU landscape. Through these projects, we have integrated cutting-edge practices and knowledge into our daily workflow, ensuring sustainable implementation of results even after project completion. By maintaining close collaboration with our partners, we continue to foster innovation, enhance educational methodologies, and promote digital transformation. These efforts have provided our learners with enriched experiences, stronger cross-border cooperation, and access to European networks. Here is our portfolio of projects:

Femina - Inclusion of Women in the Cultural and Creative Sector
Pr. No: 2022-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000081625
The Erasmus+ co-funded project "Femina", led by Luxembourg Creative Lab, aims to promote gender equality and empower women in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation. By providing training, resources, and support, the project seeks to bridge the gender gap and foster inclusive growth in creative industries across Europe.

Enhancing traditional craft practices though 3D printing and
technology innovation
Pr. No: 2023-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000154806
The Erasmus+ co-funded project "Craft 3D", with Luxembourg Creative Lab as a key consortium member, focuses on promoting the use of 3D printing in the wood manufacturing sector. The project aims to develop a specialized VET curriculum in the form of a MOOC, integrated with a work-based learning experience and a tailored assessment tool to track learners' progress in a digital environment. The project will deliver the CRAFT3D MOOC, Assessment Tool, and a Mentorship Programme, supporting the industry's digital transformation.

United – Inclusion and Diversity of Learners with Diverse Backgrounds
Pr. No: 2022-2-DE02-KA210-VET-000092335
The Erasmus+ co-funded project "UNITED", led by XU Exponential University in partnership with Luxembourg Creative Lab, aims to foster collaboration and innovation in digital education. The project focuses on developing cutting-edge tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning experiences, promoting digital literacy and co-designing future-ready educational solutions across Europe.

Green Horizons:
Leading the Way in Environmental Service Learning
Pr. No: 2024-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000243985
The Erasmus+ co-funded project "Green Horizons", led by Luxembourg Creative Lab in partnership with High School 'Education Technologies', Bulgaria, aims to empower educators with enhanced skills and better preparation to address climate change in education. The project focuses on establishing cross-curricular connections and fostering active student engagement in climate-related projects. While the challenges in VET training and climate change mitigation are complex, Green Horizons outlines clear objectives to benefit both fields, supporting educators and communities in addressing these critical global priorities.