FEMINA: Kick-off Meeting, Schifflange, Luxembourg
Do you know that Luxembourg Creative Lab and our partner, Budakov Films, work with only 27% women? We wish to collaborate with much more! However, we found out that men are better paid and hired in the cultural creative sector. This is why we created the project “Femina” – Inclusion of Women in the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS), co-funded by ErasmusPlus (Project №: 2022-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000081625).
So, what has been happening? During our first project meeting which took place in Luxembourg, September 20th, we met in person and laid the foundations of the whole project. Luxembourg Creative Lab and Budakov Films discussed all details related to Femina goals – short- and long-term, priorities and work flow. We chose best practices for project management and quality assurance, which will guide us in order to support female inclusion in CCS.
Of course, nothing can be done without deadlines, so we fixed quite a few plus the so called “steering committee” consisting of two staff members of each partner organization, e.g. Luxembourg Creative Lab and Budakov Films. Last, but not least, we considered how to maintain daily, efficient communication.
And the most exciting part – we met with women from Luxembourg, who are working as creative freelancers in order to know them and their exact needs. All that information will be analyzed and will determine the course of the project. Prior to that, we discussed carefully how to conduct those focus interviews in order to bring the most benefit to our target audience.
Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!Follow Budakov Films and LCL on social media for further news.
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