FEMINA: Focus Group Interviews, Luxembourg

As we are advancing with the busy project schedule, we managed to organize our Artists meetup event onsite in Luxembourg where we discussed open points and gathered first-hand experience and feedback from creative persons active in Luxembourg. 

Special thanks to everyone involved in the onsite meeting but also to the multiple participants in the online version of the event. Your feedback and ideas are truly important to us and the realization of the Femina project. 

What’s next?

The answers will be thoroughly analyzed and summed up in a document specifying the main obstacles that women face when it comes to establishing their own entity or starting their freelance job in the CCS. Later on, this will be taken into account when the project partners start working on a digital training program focused on fostering women’s digital skills, entrepreneurship and creativity.


The project partners (LCL and Budakov Films) found that 73% of the freelancers who collaborate with them are male which leads to a conclusion that there is a wide gender gap in the CCS. 

FEMINA (Project №: 2022-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000081625) aims to address that and break the barriers linked to education, job, entrepreneurship and social inclusion that stands in front of women who are involved in the cultural and creative sector (CCS) within the scope of a small-scale ErasmusPlus co-funded project.

Lots of exciting work is ahead in 2023, so stay tuned! 

Special thanks to everyone who participated in our interviews and meetings. Your feedback was highly appreciated and really meaningful!

Follow Budakov Films and LCL on social media for further news. 

*The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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