FEMINA: The training modules are ready

The FEMINA partnership has been working very hard during the past months to bring you the training modules for female entrepreneurs.
The final deliverable of the modules will be uploaded into the project website which will be maintained by the consortium after the completion of the project activities. However, the uploaded content will be intended for self-learning but live interaction with the learners will be assured by our instructors.
After validating the final draft and fine-tuning the content, our staff promotes the training program and representatives of the consortium started delivering trainings to the above-mentioned target audience.
A public training session was conducted during this activity, entitled “Building Inclusive Cultural and Creative Sector” which was held in Luxembourg.
During this public event, our target audience was introduced with valuable insights in terms of the following aspects:
- Choose the best business structure in the CCS
- Recognize the gender-based barriers of entrepreneurship
- Build your Digital Portfolio
- Scaling up in development cooperation
After the completion of this session, participants’ feedback and suggestions were collected, analysed and taken into account.
Another result of this activity was the validation of the training program. The satisfaction of the trainees was examined in order to provide our consortium with valuable feedback and suggestions for possible improvements.
This online program is offered to all staff members of the applicant organisations. This training program will be published on our project website and also posted on our organisations’ websites.
Last but not least, the project outcomes will be promoted through our social media channels. FEMINA (Project №: 2022-1-LU01-KA210-VET-000081625) aims to address that and break the barriers linked to education, job, entrepreneurship and social inclusion that stands in front of women who are involved in the cultural and creative sector (CCS) within the scope of a small-scale ErasmusPlus co-funded project.
Follow Budakov Films and LCL on social media for further news.
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