UNITED: Focus Group Interviews
Our Focus Group Interviews are finally ready! Special thanks to all participants – your views, opinions and insights were precious for our project!
Before developing the training program, our consortium needed to specify precisely its learning objectives. During this activity – specific statements in the form of learning objectives were defined. The main purpose of the learning objectives is to inform our learners what they will be able to do at the completion of their learning experience.
The consortium also defined the exact course hierarchy of the blended training program. Each partner conducted focus interviews with the target groups, e.g. 2 focus group interviews in total.
These focus group interviews aim at supporting our consortium in prioritizing the exact learner needs, e.g. the gap between the learners’ current level of knowledge and skills concerning the Inclusion and Diversity values, and the level of knowledge and skills required to build a more diverse and inclusive environment for our network (co-workers, students, clients, peers, etc). The main purpose of these interviews is to become aware of the following aspects:
- Explore the learning behaviors of the selected target audience.
- Draw an appropriate learning experience.
- Balancing learning objectives with engaging ways to deliver this training.
- Specifying how the learning objectives would be assessed.
- Detailed analyses will be made from each partner and the findings will be compared according to each audience.
LCL and XU were responsible for conducting focus-group interviews with respondents who were based in the organizations’ countries of origin. Each organization was required to analyze the data of its country and it was LCL that was in charge of organizing all analyses in one PDF document.
LCL (due to its specific expertise) was responsible to organize the findings obtained during these sub-activities in the following PDF documents:
- “Inclusion and Diversity: Training Needs”, it provides our consortium with a clear view of what skills and experience our organizations need to get ahead, and which of those are missing at the moment, hindering future growth.
- “Inclusion and Diversity: Learning Objectives” – precisely defines the learning objectives of the training program.
XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences and Luxembourg Creative Lab have joined their efforts to develop a training program which aims to create an inclusive classroom and workplace as part of the project “United – Inclusion and Diversity of Learners with Diverse Backgrounds”, Erasmus+ co-funded project 2022-2-DE02-KA210-VET-000092335.
Stay tuned!
*The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.