FEMINA: Second TPM, Sofia, Bulgaria
December 2022 was a busy month for LCL and Budakov films. After having completed successfully the planned focus groups interviews, we gathered and analyzed all the collected results. The whole experience of meetings with all the artists and stakeholders in the CCS in Luxembourg was quite impressive. It provided us the needed feedback and ideas that would further shape the successful framework of the training program.
At the same time, our partner, Budakov Films, also did their part and gathered all the results from the focus group interviews in Bulgaria. The meetup with young artists and their first-hand experience is precious source of knowledge for our initiative. Further to that, all the raw data was collected and analyzed by the partners.
In mid-December, Budakov films hosted the second transnational project meeting in Sofia. It was a great occasion to meet again with the partner’s team and discuss the project status.
During the second TPM we discussed some technical challenges regarding the project website and we also controlled the budget – expected vs actual results. No significant discrepancies were noted and the financial health of the project is safe and sound.
Another important point that was brought was the creation of the deliveries on the Training needs and the Learning objectives. The basis of the documents was drafted and approved.
In addition, the meeting in Sofia was quite productive as we also discussed the future development of the Beta version of the Blended Training Program and the concrete modules content framework.
Overall, lots of exciting work is waiting for us in 2023 so stay tuned!
Special thanks to everyone who participated in our interviews and meetings. Your feedback was highly appreciated and really meaningful!
Follow Budakov Films and LCL on social media for further news.
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