UNITED: Inclusion and Diversity of Learners with Diverse Backgrounds
We are proud to announce that we are starting a new project 'UNITED: Inclusion and Diversity of Learners with Diverse Backgrounds (2022-2-DE02-KA210-VET-000092335)', co-funded by Erasmus+. The projec ...
FEMINA: Focus Group Interviews, Luxembourg
As we are advancing with the busy project schedule, we managed to organize our Artists meetup event onsite in Luxembourg where we discussed open points and gathered first-hand experience and feedback ...
FEMINA: Kick-off Meeting, Schifflange, Luxembourg
Do you know that Luxembourg Creative Lab and our partner, Budakov Films, work with only 27% women? We wish to collaborate with much more! However, we found out that men are better paid and hired in th ...
LCL: Inclusion and Diversity
At LCL we strive for success at our top priority goals, one of which is the acceleration of the inclusion and diversity in Europe. But let’s stop for a second and ask ourselves the question – what ...
LCL: Digitalization
Nowadays everything is digital – culture, science, hobbies, work, education. Digital is a word so often used in our modern society that we rarely think about its meaning. A story tells that r ...
LCL: Decarbonisation
Have you watched “The Day After Tomorrow”? If not, please stop reading and do it. Two hours later… For those who did not have the time, this disaster piece shows how climate change sets of ...